The EEDUSIM project, training in hEalthcare EDUcation with SIMulation is a two-year long project funded under the Partnership Cooperation action of the ERASMUS+ Programme, Project number 2022-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000088870.
The far goal of our project is pushing the adoption of simulation as a training methodology in healthcare. The more concrete aim was to design a complete, high-quality, international train-the-trainer course for educators in simulation.
By designing and making freely available our course and providing a manual (handbook) with suggestions on how to deliver the course, we believe we created a tool that will be important for those who want to start doing simulation or want to enlarge their simulation activities, by enabling them to train new educators with a standardized course, or to update existing curricula by implementing simulation.
The project result is the course that we designed, with all its contents and materials. The course is embodied in a pdf document, the handbook.
The course is divided in two sections: theory and practice. Theory is covered with video lessons and reference materials divided in eight units that span across all the basic aspects of simulation, from Unit 1 – Essential Elements of Clinical Simulation to Unit 8 – Running a Simulation Center. The theory part of the course could be done online, using the material provided. Practice however should be done with an in person course. We provide all the materials that we used during our two pilot courses and the handbook provides suggestions and information on how we delivered them and how to deliver a similar course.
All the contents are Open Educational Contents and are freely available.

Online Course Materials
All the background theory that you need to become a proficient facilitator can be accessed from this link. The online theory course is made of video lessons and bibliography reference, divided in 8 units covering concepts from the different simulation modalities to running a simulation center.

Practical Course Materials
All the materials that we used to deliver the practical courses in Padova and Lugano have been collected and are accessible online. Among the files you will find the week programs, the daily activity lists, action cards, scenario templates, … everything you need to deliver your train-the-trainer course.

The Handbook of the course contains all the contents created. It has a theory part, with a summary and a link to each video lesson, plus all the references. It has a practice part, with all the information and the link to the materials used to deliver the pilot courses of the EEDUSIM project.