The EEDUSIM project officially ends on the 31st of August 2024.

The last action of the project is the publication of all our results: the course designed, the contents produced and all the materials used in the practical courses. This will enable everyone to get trained on simulation in healthcare and to deliver train-the-trainer courses to enlarge the number of educators who can use this powerful learning method.

The results are published as a handbook in pdf format plus online contents (video lessons and files). To access them, simply click on the “Results” link above. 



EEDUSIM on the Swiss Television

We did it again! The EEDUSIM project is on the air. This time a troupe from Swiss RSI came to visit us during our training course at CESI. You can watch the video at this link:


SESAM Lisbon

EEDUSIM Second Course Opening Event in Lugano!

The second pilot course of the EEDUSIM project will take place in Lugano! The online part will start in August 2024, and the in person between 9-14 of September at CESI in Lugano. The course will start with an Opening Event on Monday the 9th of September with local authorities, to let them know more about us and simulation in healthcare!


SESAM Lisbon

EEDUSIM is back at SESAM 2024

EEDUSIM will go back to SESAM. At SESAM 2024 in Prague we will talk about the project, the great week we had in Padova, and we will have a great announcement: the delivery of a second pilot course! Stay tuned!


SESAM Lisbon

EEDUSIM Newsletter #4

The fourth number of the EEDUSIM Newsletter is online! In this number we talk about high-fidelity simulation, the tool to train soft skills, and the use of Virtual Reality in healthcare education; a focus reminds us that simulation is also a very important research field.

To discover more, download it here



EEDUSIM at the Sartiss Conference

We will talk about simulation and the EEDUSIM project at the Annual Conference of Search and Rescue in Oradea, Romania.


SESAM Lisbon

EEDUSIM at the National Conference of Technology

Spread the word! Marc Lazarovici will be at the National Conference on Technology in Targu Mures and will talk also about our project!


SESAM Lisbon

EEDUSIM is on Italian Television

What a week was that in Padova! Plenty of learning, doing, social events …and we even had a television troupe visiting! The Italian RAI recorded a video for the news. You can watch the video here 


SESAM Lisbon

EEDUSIM Pilot Course Opening Event in Padova!

While everything is ready for the start of the first pilot course of the EEDUSIM project, we announce that the course in Padova will start with an Opening Event on Monday 18 February.

This will be a great chance to let our project known and spread the gospel of simulation in healthcare!

To access the online course, just click on the link “the course” on the top bar. The in person course will be in in Padova in February, from Sunday 18 to Sunday 25. We won’t go to Munich, but we doubled the fun in Padova! See you there!


SESAM Lisbon

EEDUSIM Newsletter #3

The third number of the EEDUSIM Newsletter is online! In this number we talk about skill and procedural training and the challenges of running a simulation center. A tech focus will take us behind the simulation, in the control room.

To discover more, download it here



Do you want to become a facilitator? Join the EEDUSIM pilot course!

The EEDUSIM project is going to deliver a pilot trainig course in healthcare simulation. The course will take place online in January 2024 and in person in February 2024 in Padova and in March 2024 in Munich. The call is open and you can apply from this website!


SESAM Lisbon

EEDUSIM at the Erasmus Info Day

We will be talking about the EEDUSIM project at the ERASMUS Info Day oraginzed by the University of Padova. We will talk about the project aims, but also the project structure, how we wrote the application and how we are managing the project, to foster new applications to this EU action!


SESAM Lisbon


The EEDUSIM project will be presented at the 2023 National Congress of SIMMED, the Italian Society for Simulation in Medicine. The congress will be in Genova, 12-13 October 2023.


SESAM Lisbon

EEDUSIM Newsletter #2

The second number of the EEDUSIM Newsletter is online! In this number we talk about some of the topics of our course: debriefing, the use of standardized or simulated patients and the use of simulation in evaluation.

To discover more, download it here



Introducing EEDUSIM at SESAM Lisbon 2023

We are thrilled to announce the official presentation of EEDUSIM at SESAM 2023, taking place in Lisbon. As a pioneering project, EEDUSIM will be showcased at this prestigious simulation event, attracting a diverse audience of simulation professionals, experts, and educators.


SESAM Lisbon

Experience the Power of EEDUSIM at the Symposium on Virtual Reality!

EEDUSIM was prominently featured at the Symposium on Virtual Reality. Our dedicated team members presented the technology behind the EEDUSIM project, highlighting the immense benefits and potential of virtual reality (VR) in simulation-based education.


EEDUSIM Newsletter #1

The first number of the EEDUSIM Newsletter is online! In this number we talk about the project and who we are, and we investigate one of the topic of our course: essential elements of simulation.

To discover more, download it here



Exciting Kick-Off: EEDUSIM Project Takes Center Stage in SIMZINE!

The pages of SIMZINE come alive as we delve into the captivating details of the EEDUSIM project. Our dedicated team gathered for an inspiring kick-off meeting, setting the stage for a transformative endeavor that will reshape the future of education.
